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    How To Enable 3G Only On iPhone 4

    3G only is now possible with your iPhone, you don't have to go through the stress of having to deal with automatic switching of EDGE to 3G. iPhone are designed to automatically select the newt work with best reception whenever you enable 3G, that's why most times when we enable 3G our devices automatically switches back to EDGE without acknowledging 3G. Many are Tim's we wish to enable 3G only on our iPhone only to realize that after few seconds the network automatically switches back to EDGE (2G) without prior notice, don't be angry that is exactly what your iPhone is designed to do. Apple did not include in there iPhone any option for selecting 3G only, to enable 3G only on your iPhone you have to tweak your iPhone by following the simple procedures below.. 


    A jail broken Apple iPhone

    If your phone as not been jail broken use my thread below

    Good SSH Client ( Recommended Putty)

    Install Open SSH on your apple iPhone ( found in Cydia)

    Command prompts/SSH  knowledge 

    How To Enable 3G only On Your Apple iPhone 

    Open SSH On Your iPhone >> Logon As "" root"" password use "alpine "

    locate - var/wireless/Library/Preferences/

    - Edit  csidata ( use nano as editor}

    Note: discontinue if you do not understand further  

    Locate this  “GsmRegistrationModel::fRatSelection=0×1″ & 

    Edit it to 

    GsmRegistrationModel::fRatSelection=0×2 (For those that need to know, 0×1 = 3G & Edge Data, 0×0 is Edge only, and 0×2 is 3G only)

    - Save changes and reboot your apple iPhone device

    Start enjoying your 3G only enabled iPhone 
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